What to wear

September 22, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Recently I asked you guys what were some topics you would like to see discussed on the blog, well you answered with a few ideas but one was very popular: What to Wear for Family Photos. 

I love how each of these families went with a different colors and patterns. The accesories also really help give the portraits a comepete look by adding a different texture and 'highlight' if you will. 


I never saw my self as a fashionista, honestly until recently I couldn’t have told you what my style was… however, now I can confidently say I am first for comfort and then more of a southwestern/minimalist/simple  style. LOL If that makes any sense at all. I love neutrals, especially black. I love contrasting colors ( black and white, light and dark). So as I plan out what my family is going to wear I want us to coordinate, not match, and I want us to have highlights ( pops of color or whites) and different textures. I am not huge on patterns. Meaning I really don’t care if there are patterns but I don’t want a lot of loud patterns distracting us from the faces with in the portrait. It is ok to mix and match patterns as long as you have several solids to break it up. Here are some tried and true rules I found online to help you. 


Also, pinterest is a fantastic place to gain ideas and see things put together. Look for “What to wear for family pictures” it is a board I myself follow. I am a visual person and it helps to get some creative inspiration to see how items will look put together. Good Luck and Happy Planning!!



Below is a link of my Family Portrait Welcome Guide that I will be sending out to all my peeps once you are booked for a session. I am so excited to help you create these timeless treasures. I think about all the memories that will be made and I know for us mamas it can be stressful, however, I hope that this will help you and easy some of the anxiety and stress you feel as you try to put your families outfits together! 



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