It's Sweater Weather!!!!!

October 01, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Who else is so excited about sweater weather?? Show of hands.... oh just me?? LOL No way it is just me!! I see all ya'll out there in your blue jeans and flannel shirts. I see you pulling out those over sized sweaters and cute booties and I am totally supportive! That is why I have decided to offer Fall Minis this year!!! Wahoo!! I don't know about you but I need all the joy and gorgeous fall weather I can get this year. Just as spring ushers in a new feeling after a long winter, fall comes in with that crisp air and that October Blue Sky. Have you ever noticed that the sky in October has its own shade of blue?? Take a gander and tell me I am wrong!! LOL 

So with out further delay here is my plans for Fall minis this year. We will be at Kilgore Park in Cross Plains, TN the weekend of Oct 10-11. I also have openings available for Monday and Tuesday of Fall Break that week. I know this is a busy season with fall sports and trips and things finally feeling more normal but this years fall foliage looks like it is going to be epic!! Cost is $175 for 2o mins and you will receive 8 digital images. It will be so easy, fun and simple. If you join me on Satuday you definilty need to plan a trip to our famous Thomas Drugs Old Fashion Soda Fountain. You will not regret it. To book just follow this link, choose your time slot and follow the prompts to pay your session fee. Boom, All Done!! Its that simple and quick. I will have all props such as a few pumpkins, quilts, and a wagon for the littles. You just have to sign up and show up. Easy right? I can't wait to see y'all there!! Happy Fall!!!

Book Your Fall Mini Session Here


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