January 25, 2019  •  2 Comments

Happy Friday, Y'all!! I have seen a lot of new faces the last few days, and I love it! Welcome to Lindsay Hodges Photography! I figured it might be time to introduce myself so we can get to know one another. 


First off, I am a southern raised, Tennessee country girl. I love to laugh, love coffee, love people, and am really just loving life right now (minus this nasty cold virus that has invaded my home and babies this week). I am a recovering people pleaser and am walking a personal growth path right now that has been so enlightening. Honestly, it is why I am telling you about myself because, believe it or not, I have fears just like you. I have lived with anxiety and the fear of rejection for far too long, and I am guessing you might be struggling with the same issues in your life too. Well, friend, you are not alone, and I want to share my journey with you. As a dear friend told me, "Our story is not our own - it is meant to be shared." I started this photography business as really a sort of hobby. Then it grew, and then it grew some more… and then even more. So much so, it has far exceeded what I could have imagined. So, the question is, “where to now?” Truthfully, I cannot tell you my exact goal and dream because I am still working on figuring that out, but what I can tell you is that I am moving forward. I am continuing to learn and master my craft. I am broadening my horizons, if you will. As my husband has said, “Lindsay, you have a lot to say and a great way of saying it. Share that with the world. You never know who you will help along the way."


So here I am, I am doing just that. I am an AG Ed teacher-turned-photographer who loves creating memories and empowering others to chase their dreams and to see themselves for the beautiful creation they are. Did I mention I also love coffee??? 📷Twig & Olive Photography

What if we all saw ourselves through the eyes of our biggest fans - the people who think we are rockstars and are inspired by our lives? (Believe me, they are out there whether you know it or not). What could we then accomplish if we held that confidence and admiration in our own hearts?? 


So, to all of you who feel like you aren’t good enough, listen to me now. YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE THAN ENOUGH!!! You have a gift to share with the world; just have the faith and courage to share it, my friend! God will see you through!


So, what are my goals this year? I’m glad you asked.


*My Personal Goal: To be better today than I was yesterday. 

*My Business Goal: For every person who steps in front of my camera to see and feel their true self and worth - to see themselves the way their biggest fan does.


I want to challenge you to think and pray about what you want for yourself this year. Write it down, stick it to your bathroom mirror, and read it aloud to yourself every morning and night. Believe that you will make it happen, and allow your beautiful mind to look for ideas and opportunities to accomplish this goal.


I want to know what your goals are for this year. Let me know so I can tell you the following:


You can do this! You WILL do this! I believe in you! You ARE a rockstar!


Love Y’all,





Mike Bumbalough(non-registered)
You go girl! I pray for your spiritual growth, your relationship with family, friends and future friends, clients, as you grow in your love of photography. God bless you!
Glenda S Case(non-registered)
Girl, don't you know i have loved you ALL your life! You ROCK!
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