My First Year By: Remington's Mommy

June 21, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

I thought it would be fun to share a personal story here so I asked a dear client and friend to share her story through her son's grow with me sessions. She is so talented with her writing she brought me to tears! Walking back through this past year with her and watching sweet Remington grow and change. Thank you Chrissy for trusting me with documenting your family's story. 

Remington's First Year 

When I was pregnant, I found myself aimlessly scrolling through Pinterest and pinning the cutest baby photos I could find. Don’t we all? I dreamed about what my baby boy would look like - Whose nose would he have? What color would his hair and eyes be? The day he was born, he was the spitting image of my husband, my husband’s dad, and my husband’s grandfather; the Hinners genes run deep.  A few days after getting him home, as he lost the swollen newborn features, his features started to change. They changed so quickly, that I look back at pictures a couple of days apart and they look like two different babies!

Lindsay came to our apartment when Remington was a couple of weeks old to do newborn pictures.  She seemed to effortlessly capture his personality, even catching one of those sweet sleeping smiles. Even still, he was changing. His cheeks were still chubby and pinch worthy, his eyes were widening a bit, and his hair was growing so quickly. It was all going so quickly and I couldn’t imagine losing one more second of each fleeting phase! I reached out to Lindsay to ask if she would do his milestone pictures, and she agreed! 

Looking back, I couldn’t fathom not having these pictures. They are some of our favorite memories hanging in our home. I can look at them and remember who my little baby was at that point in time.  At his three month pictures, he was barely able to push up enough to keep his heavy head held high. He had recently found his tongue and was obsessed. Lindsay also captured our first professional picture as a family of three; it is something I will always cherish!!




Between Remy’s three and six month pictures, he developed quite the personality. He was precious and he knew it. He had the silliest smile and was still a little wobbly when sitting up. He had just found his pointer finger and, much like his tongue in his 3 month pictures, was obsessed. I remember crying quite a bit after his 6 month pictures because I couldn’t believe my sweet baby had changed so much! 




By nine months, my sweet boy had gone from being precious to being a ham. He loved being in front of the camera. I remember by these pictures that crawling had just entered his skill set and he had just found his voice. I was reminded, after looking through the 9 month pictures to pull my favorites, how much Remy had started to love daddy’s duck calls. Lindsay was so thoughtful to incorporate it into the pictures! 



And lastly, for his twelve month pictures (which I really feel like they were taken the week after his newborn pictures), I was already a teary eyed mess going into them because I was in partial denial that my baby was already a year old! He was trying so hard to walk, and would take his first steps two days later! We incorporated a cake smash session, too! Words of advice – opt out of chocolate icing! You’ll thank me! ;)



Holding each set of pictures next to the ones before both breaks my heart and makes me smile. (I don’t dare hold the one year next to the newborns unless I want to cry!) I can go back and watch him grow all over again! This has been the best investment we made in Remington’s first year! 


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